OpenCV for Unity 2.6.5
Enox Software / Please refer to OpenCV official document ( ) for the details of the argument of the method.
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OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint Class Reference

Data structure for salient point detectors. More...

Public Member Functions

 KeyPoint ()
 KeyPoint (float x, float y, float _size)
 KeyPoint (float x, float y, float _size, float _angle)
 KeyPoint (float x, float y, float _size, float _angle, float _response)
 KeyPoint (float x, float y, float _size, float _angle, float _response, int _octave)
 KeyPoint (float x, float y, float _size, float _angle, float _response, int _octave, int _class_id)
 KeyPoint (in Vec7f vals)
 KeyPoint (in(float x, float y, float size, float angle, float response, float octave, float class_id) vals)
bool Equals (KeyPoint a)
override bool Equals (Object obj)
override int GetHashCode ()
override string ToString ()
float float float float float float float class_id ToValueTuple ()
Vec7f ToVec7f ()

Static Public Member Functions

static operator (float x, float y, float size, float angle, float response, float octave, float class_id)(KeyPoint keypoint)
static operator KeyPoint (in(float x, float y, float size, float angle, float response, float octave, float class_id) valueTuple)
static operator Vec7f (KeyPoint keypoint)
static bool operator!= (KeyPoint a, KeyPoint b)
static bool operator== (KeyPoint a, KeyPoint b)

Public Attributes

float angle
float float float float angle
int class_id
int octave
float float float float float float octave
Point pt
float response
float float float float float response
float size
float float float size
float x
float float y

Detailed Description

Data structure for salient point detectors.

The class instance stores a keypoint, which is a point feature found by one of many available keypoint detectors, such as Harris corner detector, FAST, StarDetector, SURF, SIFT, etc.

The keypoint is characterized by the 2D position, scale (proportional to the diameter of the neighborhood that needs to be taken into account), orientation, and some other parameters. The keypoint neighborhood is then analyzed by another algorithm that builds a descriptor (usually represented as a feature vector). Keypoints representing the same object in different images can then be matched using KDTree or another method.

C++: cv::KeyPoint Class Reference

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KeyPoint() [1/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( float x,
float y,
float _size,
float _angle,
float _response,
int _octave,
int _class_id )
xx-coordinate of the keypoint
yy-coordinate of the keypoint
_sizekeypoint diameter
_anglekeypoint orientation
_responsekeypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
_octavepyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
_class_idobject id

◆ KeyPoint() [2/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( )

default constructor

◆ KeyPoint() [3/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( float x,
float y,
float _size,
float _angle,
float _response,
int _octave )
xx-coordinate of the keypoint
yy-coordinate of the keypoint
_sizekeypoint diameter
_anglekeypoint orientation
_responsekeypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
_octavepyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected

◆ KeyPoint() [4/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( float x,
float y,
float _size,
float _angle,
float _response )
xx-coordinate of the keypoint
yy-coordinate of the keypoint
_sizekeypoint diameter
_anglekeypoint orientation
_responsekeypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)

◆ KeyPoint() [5/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( float x,
float y,
float _size,
float _angle )
xx-coordinate of the keypoint
yy-coordinate of the keypoint
_sizekeypoint diameter
_anglekeypoint orientation

◆ KeyPoint() [6/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( float x,
float y,
float _size )
xx-coordinate of the keypoint
yy-coordinate of the keypoint
_sizekeypoint diameter

◆ KeyPoint() [7/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( in Vec7f vals)
xx-coordinate of the keypoint
yy-coordinate of the keypoint
_sizekeypoint diameter
_anglekeypoint orientation
_responsekeypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
_octavepyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
_class_idobject id

◆ KeyPoint() [8/8]

OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.KeyPoint ( in(float x, float y, float size, float angle, float response, float octave, float class_id) vals)
xx-coordinate of the keypoint
yy-coordinate of the keypoint
_sizekeypoint diameter
_anglekeypoint orientation
_responsekeypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
_octavepyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
_class_idobject id

Member Function Documentation

◆ Equals() [1/2]

bool OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.Equals ( KeyPoint a)

◆ Equals() [2/2]

override bool OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.Equals ( Object obj)

◆ GetHashCode()

override int OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.GetHashCode ( )

◆ operator()

static OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.operator ( float x,
float y,
float size,
float angle,
float response,
float octave,
float class_id )

◆ operator KeyPoint()

static OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.operator KeyPoint ( in(float x, float y, float size, float angle, float response, float octave, float class_id) valueTuple)

◆ operator Vec7f()

static OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.operator Vec7f ( KeyPoint keypoint)

◆ operator!=()

static bool OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.operator!= ( KeyPoint a,
KeyPoint b )

◆ operator==()

◆ ToString()

override string OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.ToString ( )

◆ ToValueTuple()

float float float float float float float class_id OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.ToValueTuple ( )

◆ ToVec7f()

Vec7f OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.ToVec7f ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ angle [1/2]

float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.angle

Computed orientation of the keypoint (-1 if not applicable).

◆ angle [2/2]

float float float float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.angle

◆ class_id

int OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.class_id

Object ID, that can be used to cluster keypoints by an object they belong to.

◆ octave [1/2]

int OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.octave

Octave (pyramid layer), from which the keypoint has been extracted.

◆ octave [2/2]

float float float float float float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.octave

◆ pt


Coordinates of the keypoint.

◆ response [1/2]

float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.response

The response, by which the strongest keypoints have been selected. Can be used for further sorting or subsampling.

◆ response [2/2]

float float float float float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.response

◆ size [1/2]

float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.size

Diameter of the useful keypoint adjacent area.

◆ size [2/2]

float float float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.size

◆ x

float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.x

◆ y

float float OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.KeyPoint.y

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