OpenCV for Unity 2.6.5
Enox Software / Please refer to OpenCV official document ( ) for the details of the argument of the method.
▼ OpenCVForUnity | |
▼ Assets | |
▼ OpenCVForUnity | |
▼ org | |
▼ opencv | |
► calib3d | |
► core | |
► dnn | |
► features2d | |
► imgcodecs | |
► imgproc | |
► ml | |
► objdetect | |
► photo | |
► unity | |
► utils | |
► video | |
► videoio | |
DisposableObject.cs | |
DisposableOpenCVObject.cs | |
▼ opencv_contrib | |
► aruco | |
► bgsegm | |
► bioinspired | |
► dnn_superres | |
► face | |
► img_hash | |
► phase_unwrapping | |
► plot | |
► structured_light | |
► text | |
► tracking | |
► wechat_qrcode | |
► xfeatures2d | |
► ximgproc | |
► xphoto |