OpenCV for Unity 2.6.3
Enox Software / Please refer to OpenCV official document ( ) for the details of the argument of the method.
No Matches
OpenCVForUnity.Features2dModule Namespace Reference


class  AffineFeature
 Class for implementing the wrapper which makes detectors and extractors to be affine invariant, described as ASIFT in [YM11] . More...
class  AgastFeatureDetector
 Wrapping class for feature detection using the AGAST method. : More...
class  AKAZE
 Class implementing the AKAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [ANB13]. More...
class  BFMatcher
 Brute-force descriptor matcher. More...
class  BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
 Class to compute an image descriptor using the bag of visual words. More...
class  BOWKMeansTrainer
 kmeans -based class to train visual vocabulary using the bag of visual words approach. : More...
class  BOWTrainer
 Abstract base class for training the bag of visual words vocabulary from a set of descriptors. More...
class  BRISK
 Class implementing the BRISK keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [LCS11] . More...
class  DescriptorMatcher
 Abstract base class for matching keypoint descriptors. More...
class  FastFeatureDetector
 Wrapping class for feature detection using the FAST method. : More...
class  Feature2D
 Abstract base class for 2D image feature detectors and descriptor extractors. More...
class  Features2d
class  FlannBasedMatcher
 Flann-based descriptor matcher. More...
class  GFTTDetector
 Wrapping class for feature detection using the goodFeaturesToTrack function. : More...
class  KAZE
 Class implementing the KAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [ABD12] . More...
class  MSER
 Maximally stable extremal region extractor. More...
class  ORB
 Class implementing the ORB (oriented BRIEF) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor. More...
class  SIFT
 Class for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors using the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm by D. Lowe [Lowe04] . More...
class  SimpleBlobDetector
 Class for extracting blobs from an image. : More...
class  SimpleBlobDetector_Params