| TextDetectionModel_EAST (Net network) |
| Create text detection algorithm from deep learning network.
| TextDetectionModel_EAST (string model) |
| Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. An order of model and config arguments does not matter.
| TextDetectionModel_EAST (string model, string config) |
| Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. An order of model and config arguments does not matter.
float | getConfidenceThreshold () |
| Get the detection confidence threshold.
float | getNMSThreshold () |
| Get the detection confidence threshold.
TextDetectionModel_EAST | setConfidenceThreshold (float confThreshold) |
| Set the detection confidence threshold.
TextDetectionModel_EAST | setNMSThreshold (float nmsThreshold) |
| Set the detection NMS filter threshold.
void | detect (Mat frame, List< MatOfPoint > detections) |
void | detect (Mat frame, List< MatOfPoint > detections, MatOfFloat confidences) |
| Performs detection.
void | detectTextRectangles (Mat frame, MatOfRotatedRect detections) |
void | detectTextRectangles (Mat frame, MatOfRotatedRect detections, MatOfFloat confidences) |
| Performs detection.
| Model (Net network) |
| Create model from deep learning network.
| Model (string model) |
| Create model from deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. An order of model and config arguments does not matter.
| Model (string model, string config) |
| Create model from deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. An order of model and config arguments does not matter.
Model | enableWinograd (bool useWinograd) |
IntPtr | getNativeObjAddr () |
void | predict (Mat frame, List< Mat > outs) |
| Given the input frame, create input blob, run net and return the output blobs .
Model | setInputCrop (bool crop) |
| Set flag crop for frame.
Model | setInputMean (in Vec4d mean) |
| Set mean value for frame.
Model | setInputMean (in(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3) mean) |
| Set mean value for frame.
Model | setInputMean (Scalar mean) |
| Set mean value for frame.
void | setInputParams () |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in Vec2d size) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in Vec2d size, in Vec4d mean) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in Vec2d size, in Vec4d mean, bool swapRB) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in Vec2d size, in Vec4d mean, bool swapRB, bool crop) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in(double width, double height) size) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in(double width, double height) size, in(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3) mean) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in(double width, double height) size, in(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3) mean, bool swapRB) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, in(double width, double height) size, in(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3) mean, bool swapRB, bool crop) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, Size size) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, Size size, Scalar mean) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, Size size, Scalar mean, bool swapRB) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
void | setInputParams (double scale, Size size, Scalar mean, bool swapRB, bool crop) |
| Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
Model | setInputScale (in Vec4d scale) |
| Set scalefactor value for frame.
Model | setInputScale (in(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3) scale) |
| Set scalefactor value for frame.
Model | setInputScale (Scalar scale) |
| Set scalefactor value for frame.
Model | setInputSize (in Vec2d size) |
| Set input size for frame.
Model | setInputSize (in(double width, double height) size) |
| Set input size for frame.
Model | setInputSize (int width, int height) |
Model | setInputSize (Size size) |
| Set input size for frame.
Model | setInputSwapRB (bool swapRB) |
| Set flag swapRB for frame.
Model | setOutputNames (List< string > outNames) |
| Set output names for frame.
Model | setPreferableBackend (int backendId) |
Model | setPreferableTarget (int targetId) |
void | Dispose () |
void | ThrowIfDisposed () |